Uncategorized June 20, 2024

It’s Summertime! Time to Move!

It’s the first day of summer!  Temperatures are heating up, the sun is staying up late and the kids are getting out of school. It’s the perfect time to move!

“Summer is traditionally one of the best times to move,” says Alexa Micciulli, Sales Associate at ERA Justin Realty.  There are several reasons for this. Here is a list.

The Weather

“The temperatures may be too hot for some people,” says Jennifer Darby Metzger, Broker/Owner at ERA Justin Realty, “but the hot weather also usually means less rain, and rain is the last thing you want on your moving day!” Unlike winter which can make moving difficult with slippery roads and freezing temperatures, the dry, warm weather in summer is ideal for moving upholstered furniture and cardboard boxes. It ensures that your stuff won’t get wet and moldy. “Of course there are still rainy summer days, but there are fewer than in spring.”

The Longer Days

There are literally more hours in the daylight during the summer. “The sun stays bright well into the night giving you more time to get all of your stuff out of one house and into another,” says Micciulli, “Who doesn’t want that? It’s especially helpful if you are making your move without the help of professional movers, which can also save you money.” Moving companies can sometimes cost more in summer due to the higher demand for their services.

The Yard Sales

The warmer, sunnier weather makes for the perfect way to get rid of the stuff you don’t want to pack: a yard sale! Summer is peak yard sale season and plenty of pickers are out bright and early because your junk just might be their treasure.

The Kids

Finally, the kids are out of school. “Though they might be underfoot on moving day itself,” says Metzger, “Summer is the ideal time to move your family. It’s less likely to disrupt your routine, plus moving during summer break is especially helpful if you have to switch schools.”

If you’re a family looking to move to a new house this summer or empty nesters ready to make room for a new family to move in, Alexa Micciulli or any of the experienced agents at ERA Justin Realty can help. Give us a call at (201) 939-7500.